Prize Winners (Members Meeting April 2024)

The February Borumba Fish Off was held amid torrential rain that meant some anglers were caught at the Dam and others couldn’t get to the Dam because of local road flooding.

Three lucky 3 ones who braved the elements and then went on to win prizes were Tom Guy (yet to be presented his prize), Noel Platt and Damien Withell (sorry Damien, just missed the handover).

March comp was held at Cherwell Creek and 10 anglers enjoyed a weekend of fishing, laughs, food and drinks while staying at a brilliant Stayz accomodation with its own boat ramp and ample parking.

It was slim pickings, fishing wise though with only 5 anglers submitting captures.  Winners though were Carl Jensen, Rafi Opanubi (no pic) and Dick Aspinall (no pic).


ANSA Record Presentation